Sunday, May 29, 2011


 In a Tornado Warning About to head down to the Basement help The sirens are going off so scared heres what i grabbed during it
  • Pillow
  • Blanket
  • 2 Bottles of Water
  • Bible
  • Coat
  • Shoes
  • First Aid Kit
  • Some Fruit (apples and oranges)
  • Hat
Im keeping all of you in prayer hopeing that u all are alright ans safe where your supposed  to be.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stay in Touch

 Hey guys sorry i haven't blogged in a long time but lately I've been really busy ibut promise to stay in touch untill then 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hold My Hand

  Hold My Hand
The moon has not
even begun to go.
And the sun had yet to start
its brilliant shining flow.

I lay here thinking
about you all the time.
You're the only thing
that sticks inside my mind.

Through thick and thin
You're there by my side.
You promise to be there.
You keep me alive.

I love you so much.
You can never understand.
I'll be with you forever.
Just promise to hold my hand.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Right now if eel alone and like everyones abandon in me  i found a poem online and it kinda cheered me up so if your going thru the same thing dont be afraid to cry everyone has to onnce in a while and if need a friend
dont be afraid to ask

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Watch your back

Olivia if your reading this that means you did somthing wrong whatever you do dont turn around but somehow you have to watch you back i will be there in less than 5 seconds 4 3 2 1 im here  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
heres a funny saying i found

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boy Drama 2

 Random Rangler is right there are plenty of other people you can't stay with the one forever. There is always a time when it hurts to let go but, you have to. You will find yourself happier with out the pain and the worrying about the thing that are wrong. if any of you guys are still going thru the same comment i hav a couple sollutions.